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New England Highway - Singleton Bypass gets $560 Million in Federal Budget

Updated: May 21, 2024


The Australian federal government has committed $560 million to the New England Highway-Singleton Bypass project. This funding was announced as part of the 2020-21 Budget.


In addition to this, the New South Wales government has committed $140 million, bringing the total project budget to $700 million.

Project Details:

  • Contractor: Acciona Construction Australia Pty Ltd has been awarded the design and construction contract.

  • Construction Timeline: Early work started in late 2022, with major construction expected to begin in mid-2024. The project is anticipated to open to traffic by late 2026, weather permitting​.

October 14, 2020
Flo Mitchell

The New England Highway’s Singleton Bypass and Bolivia Hill upgrade together have secured $603 million in infrastructure funds in the 2020 Federal budget.

Singleton Bypass Funding: An Overview

Transport for NSW will now carry out further planning for the proposed Singleton Bypass to finalise the concept design. According to Singleton Mayor Sue Moore, "The detailed design plan will obviously take two years, but funding is on the board now and we'll get on and build the bypass as soon as possible."

The Singleton Bypass aims to improve traffic flow, travel times, and safety through Singleton town centre. Key benefits include:

  • Saving motorists around six minutes in travel time

  • Bypassing up to five sets of traffic lights

  • Redirecting approximately 15,000 vehicles per day away from the town centre

The Roads and Maritime Services' preferred option for the bypass involves constructing a new section of highway west of Singleton across the floodplain. This new section would start near Newington Lane and rejoin the New England Highway north of McDougalls Hill.

Design and Construction

Transport for NSW has awarded a design and construction contract to Acciona Construction Australia Pty Ltd to deliver the Singleton Bypass. Early work on the bypass is ongoing, with Acciona progressing site investigations and finalising the detailed design. Major work is expected to start in mid-2024, with the project anticipated to open to traffic in late 2026, weather permitting.

How FM Legal Can Help

At FM Legal, we're the specialists you need if you've been informed that your property may be compulsorily acquired by the NSW Government for the purposes of the Singleton Bypass or Bolivia Hill Upgrade. We have extensive experience with compulsory acquisition projects in Sydney and beyond.

Our Services Include:

Compulsory acquisition expertise to secure the highest financial compensation for your land on the most convenient terms.

Providing up-to-date information on the zoning of your land and informing you of your rights.

Recovering all our fees from the NSW Government, ensuring no out-of-pocket costs for you.

For assistance, contact us:

Email: flo@fmlegal.com.au

Call: 0410 290 904

With FM Legal, you can rest assured that your interests are in capable hands as we navigate the complexities of compulsory acquisitions together.

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