(02) 8379 1277

Are you affected by the VNI West
(Victoria to NSW Interconnector West) easements?

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VNI West is a proposed new 500 kv high voltage overhead power line to link the NSW and Victorian electricity grids.
It involves the compulsory acquisition of around 150 easements on rural land in northern Victoria and southern NSW.

Affected land owners are being contacted in October 2024 and the confirmed route will then be confirmed to the public in early November 2024.

The acquiring authority is Transgrid.

We specialise in compulsory acquisition law this is an easement which falls under this Act. We have represented many land owners for easements and are able to negotiate for you and fight for the right outcome.
What We Offer:

     • Legal Advice and Expert negotiation against Transgrid as we are already acting against Transgrid and are familiar with the proposed offers and terms of their offers.
     • We can negotiate a better outcome for you
     • We will obtain our own valuation by an expert in this field
     • We will ensure that your concerns regarding your land access and matters during construction are fully accounted for.
     • All costs are guaranteed to be paid by Transgrid as well as our valuation costs – Transgrid have not disclosed in their letters that this is a compulsory acquisition and it is covered by the Land Acquisition Just Terms Act which gives you a right to legal and valuation fees.

Why choose FM Legal?

We are a specialist compulsory acquisition team that work tirelessly to fight for the right amount of compensation against the Government.

How can FM Legal help?

If you are affected by affected by VNI West (Victoria to NSW Interconnector West) easements, attending one of our regularly scheduled seminars or contacting us for a private discussion with our specialist, Flo Mitchell, can provide you with the guidance you need.
Book a virtual consultation

Sydney Office

Level 13
111 Elizabeth St,
Sydney, NSW 2000
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Brookvale Office

Suite 203
117 Old Pittwater Rd,
Brookvale, NSW 2100
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Brisbane Office

Level 10
95 North Quay,
Brisbane QLD 4000
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Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
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