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New England Highway - Singleton Bypass

The New England Highway currently runs through Singleton, providing access to the town centre and the rest of the town. Every day, approximately 28,000 cars pass through Singleton, including over 3,700 heavy vehicles. The coal mining industry, commuters, and heavy vehicles have all been cited as key drivers of traffic growth in recent years. As a result of population growth, prospective land projects in and around Singleton, and a general increase in freight transit across the region, traffic volumes are expected to climb even further.

Project Overview

Transport for NSW (TfNSW, also commonly known as RMS) proposes to build a bypass of Singleton on the New England Highway. The plan is to build a two-lane motorway bypass west of Singleton. The project is located 75 kilometres inland from Newcastle, 47 kilometres southeast of Muswellbrook, and 200 kilometres north of Sydney in the Hunter Valley's Singleton local government area.

As with most projects, TfNSW will have to acquire a number of properties to make way for the singleton bypass under the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991. Property owners affected by the compulsory acquisitions for the Singleton Bypass are entitled to compensation, and the amount of compensation is subject to many factors. It is advisable to have legal representation to understand the amount of acquisition compensation that you may be entitled to.

Compensation Details

Compensation for road widening usually involves compensation for the loss of the land taken and, in addition, for the decrease in value of the land that is left. The RMS are also responsible for reinstating any walls and boundary fencing, as well as lost trees. Sometimes this will be done outside of the compensation payment by way of what is called a property adjustment. The RMS will usually work with the owners of the land at the time of the work being done to ensure that the new boundary is adequately protected and fenced from the new road. Compensation for partial land acquisitions can be more complex than where all of the land is acquired as it involves careful consideration of what the impact will be in the future, so expert valuation advice is required. Commonly, cases will also involve town planners or other experts such as acoustic experts. Always use an expert in land acquisition as the Act will also cover the legal costs for doing so.

Updates as of 16 May 2024

March 2024 – Contractor’s Early Work

ACCIONA has started its early work activities on the Singleton Bypass. 

February 2024 – Singleton Bypass Batting for Microbats

A colony of microbats near the Singleton Bypass site won’t have to find a new ‘fur-ever’ home following the implementation of protective measures as part of the project’s Microbat Management Plan.

November 2023 – Award of Major Contract

We are pleased to announce that Acciona Construction Australia Pty Ltd has been awarded a design and construction contract to deliver the Singleton Bypass.

May 2023 - Early Work

Transport for NSW started early work on the project in late 2022.

Contact Us

For more information or to discuss your case regarding the New England Highway - Singleton Bypass, please reach out to us. Our team specialises in compulsory acquisition projects in Sydney and is ready to assist you with any inquiries.

To stay informed about the project, we encourage you to fill out the Singleton Bypass signup.

Our team is here to support you through every step of the process. Don't hesitate to contact us for expert advice and assistance.

Zoom Seminars

Tuesday, 25 October 2022 at 4:30PM

(Contact us if none of the scheduled seminars suits you and we will endeavour to arrange one for you)

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  • If there are no scheduled seminars or you prefer to have a private conversation with a specialist, please choose the "I prefer to talk by phone" option and we will contact you to arrange a phone call on a mutually convenient time.

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111 Elizabeth St,
Sydney, NSW 2000
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117 Old Pittwater Rd,
Brookvale, NSW 2100
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Brisbane QLD 4000
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