(02) 8379 1277

Are you affected by Sydney Water Compulsory Acquisitions?

Key Sydney Water land acquisition projects include around the Aerotropolis precinct in western Sydney, the Mamre Road precinct and also infrastructure for new housing estates all across Sydney and Wollongong.

Sydney Water can compulsorily acquire land and easements for the purpose of public infrastructure. Whilst Sydney Water has this right under the Just Terms Compensation Act, you as the land owner have the right to full and fair compensation. The full amount of compensation you are seeking is determined by a property valuer acting on your behalf and then FM Legal’s lawyers fight to achieve this compensation from Sydney Water.

Sydney Water is obligated to pay for a lawyer and property valuer appointed by you to ensure you receive proper advice. The costs of your lawyer and property valuer are paid by Sydney Water on top of your compensation package.

FM Legal has already been engaged to protect land owners rights and gain maximum compensation for the compulsory acquisition of an easement on their land and ensure landowners rights are protected.

Why choose FM Legal?

We are a specialist compulsory acquisition team that work tirelessly to fight for the right amount of compensation against the Government.

How can FM Legal help?

If you are affected by affected by a Sydney Water easements, attending one of our regularly scheduled seminars or contacting us for a private discussion with our specialist, Flo Mitchell, can provide you with the guidance you need.
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Sydney Office

Level 13
111 Elizabeth St,
Sydney, NSW 2000
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Brookvale Office

Suite 203
117 Old Pittwater Rd,
Brookvale, NSW 2100
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Brisbane Office

Level 10
95 North Quay,
Brisbane QLD 4000
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Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
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