(02) 8379 1277

Is your property affected by Transgrid compulsory acquisitions?

The Victoria to NSW Interconnector West – known as VNI West – is a proposed new 500 kV double circuit transmission line connecting the high voltage electricity grids in New South Wales and Victoria. VNI West is being jointly developed with Transmission Company Victoria (TCV) and will connect major projects EnergyConnect in NSW and Western Renewables Link in Victoria. The preferred option runs from Transgrid’s Dinawan substation north of Jerilderie in NSW to new substations proposed near Kerang and Bulgana in Victoria.
The Australian Energy Regulator announced its decision in May 2024 to approve investment in early works for VNI West.

This allows Transgrid to progress with:
 • obtaining state and federal planning approvals
 • community engagement, including work to negotiate easements on properties
 • design of transmission lines and substations
 • securing equipment such as transformers and conductors which have long lead times

FM Legal only acts for affected landowners in seeking full compensation, we don’t ever act for Transgrid or other parts of Government compulsory acquiring land.

How FM Legal Can Help

If you are affected by Transgrid, attending one of our regularly scheduled seminars or contacting us for a private discussion with our specialist, Flo Mitchell, can provide you with the guidance you need.

Why Choose FM Legal?

We are a specialist compulsory acquisition team that work tirelessly to fight for the right amount of compensation against the Government.
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Level 13
111 Elizabeth St,
Sydney, NSW 2000
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Suite 203
117 Old Pittwater Rd,
Brookvale, NSW 2100
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Level 10
95 North Quay,
Brisbane QLD 4000
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