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Mulgoa Road Upgrade

The Mulgoa Road Upgrade is a significant project proposed by Transport for NSW to enhance the Mulgoa Road / Castlereagh Road corridor, connecting Glenmore Parkway in Glenmore Park to Andrews Road in Penrith. This critical transport corridor is essential for linking the Penrith community, including its central business district, with other parts of greater Sydney.

Project Overview

Transport for NSW displayed a preferred option for upgrading Glenmore Parkway and Andrews Road in Penrith for community feedback in 2017. The project is divided into three stages:

  • Stage 2: Glenmore Parkway to Jeanette Street, Glenmore Park (approximately 850 metres)

  • Stage 5A: Blaikie Road to Jamison Road, Penrith (approximately 1.2 kilometres)

  • Stage 5B: Jamison Road to Union Road, Penrith (approximately one kilometre)

The Australian Government has committed $232.5 million to this project, with construction expected to begin in early 2024. Typically, the RMS acquires properties 12-18 months before construction starts, meaning property acquisitions should be completed by 2023. Therefore, if your property is affected, expect contact from the RMS soon.

Several areas will be impacted by the Mulgoa Road Upgrade. If you own property or reside in any of these locations, you may be affected by the compulsory acquisition process:

  • Regentville

  • Jamisontown

  • Jeanette Street

  • Blaikie Road

  • Glenmore Parkway

  • Glenmore Park

  • Andrews Road

Our team of lawyers at FM Legal specialises in compulsory acquisition projects in Sydney. If your land is being acquired due to the Mulgoa Road Upgrade, we provide expert legal advice for the Mulgoa Road Upgrade.

Update May 2024: 

Night work on Mulgoa Road between Jeanette Street and Blaikie Road on 9, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, and 23 May.

Ongoing Work: From 8 January to 31 May 2024, ongoing work is scheduled on Mulgoa Road between Jeanette Street and Blaikie Road.

Update October 2023:

Proposed changes to Hatchinson Crescent, Huron Place, and Peter Court, with community information sessions held on 21 and 24 October 2023.

Update August 2023:

Progressive traffic and local road access changes from 17 August 2023.

Update January 2023:

Transport for NSW (Transport) is delivering the upgrade of Mulgoa Road, between Jeanette Street and Blaikie Road to support  current and future traffic demands and expected growth in the area.

Mulgoa Road is an important arterial road connecting the Penrith community, including its central business district, with other parts of Greater Sydney. Major construction on the upgrade between Jeanette Street and Blaikie Road will start progressively from early 2023 with the appointment of a contractor Seymour Whyte Turnbull to work with Transport for the delivery of this project.

Why choose FM Legal?

We are a specialist compulsory acquisition team that work tirelessly to fight for the right amount of compensation against the Government.

How can FM Legal help?

If you are affected by affected by the Compulsory Acquisition projects of Mulgoa Road Upgrade, attending one of our regularly scheduled seminars or contacting us for a private discussion with our specialist, Flo Mitchell, can provide you with the guidance you need.
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Brookvale, NSW 2100
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