(02) 8379 1277

Are you affected by the Compulsory Acquisition Project of the Elizabeth Drive Upgrade?

If you think your property or business may be impacted by the Elizabeth Drive Upgrade, it is crucial to seek legal advice promptly. The NSW Government has allocated funding to investigate improvements to Elizabeth Drive between the M7 Motorway at Cecil Hills and The Northern Road at Luddenham. Roads and Maritime Services is exploring options to enhance Elizabeth Drive to support the new Western Sydney Airport and the Western Parkland City. This planning has been expedited by Special Infrastructure Contributions from the Department of Planning and Environment, aimed at supporting key infrastructure developments needed for the growing population.
Elizabeth Drive will be upgraded from the M7 Motorway to Badgerys Creek to accommodate increased traffic and usage associated with the new airport. This upgrade will involve widening the road to add extra lanes and footpaths. If your property or business may be affected by this work, seeking legal advice as soon as possible is essential.


November 2023: REF submissions closed on 31 October 2023.

September 2023: Review of Environmental Factors (REF)

  • The NSW government developed a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the proposed Elizabeth Drive upgrade.

  • The REF outlines the preferred features of the concept design and assesses a range of potential environmental impacts expected during the construction and operation phases.

  • The REF includes measures on how we plan to minimise these impacts on our customers and the community.

Why choose FM Legal?

We are a specialist compulsory acquisition team that work tirelessly to fight for the right amount of compensation against the Government.

How can FM Legal help?

If you are affected by affected by the Compulsory Acquisition Projects of the Elizabeth Drive Upgrade, attending one of our regularly scheduled seminars or contacting us for a private discussion with our specialist, Flo Mitchell, can provide you with the guidance you need.
Book a virtual consultation

Sydney Office

Level 13
111 Elizabeth St,
Sydney, NSW 2000
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Brookvale Office

Suite 203
117 Old Pittwater Rd,
Brookvale, NSW 2100
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Brisbane Office

Level 10
95 North Quay,
Brisbane QLD 4000
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