(02) 8379 1277

Glenn Gomez

Paralegal/Administrative Assistant

Glenn joined FM Legal on March 2021 as a marketing and administrative assistant and has since shifted to paralegal duties.

His role involves investigating government infrastructure projects and identifying properties marked for acquisition. He usually acts as the first point of contact with new clients whose properties are being acquired. He also carries out paralegal and related administrative tasks such as opening files, drafting initial documents, and liaising with clients.

Glenn previously worked for a firm in Lower North Shore of Sydney for 16 years and has assisted solicitors in Bankruptcy, Company Insolvency, Wills, Estates, and to some extent, Conveyancing and Family Law. He also helped with logistics and administration of a ‘not-for-profit organization’ run by a committee of independent practitioners who meet on a regular basis to oversee support activities, plan CLE/CPD conferences and seminars and endorse products and services.


Sydney Office

Level 13
111 Elizabeth St,
Sydney, NSW 2000
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Brookvale Office

Suite 203
117 Old Pittwater Rd,
Brookvale, NSW 2100
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Brisbane Office

Level 10
95 North Quay,
Brisbane QLD 4000
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