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Moruya Bypass

Transport for NSW (TfNSW, commonly known as RMS) is progressing with plans for the proposed Moruya Bypass and has identified a preferred strategic bypass corridor.

The proposed route is around 8 kilometres in length, starting near Shelley Road, running parallel and to the east of the existing highway to the Larrys Mountain Road intersection. From Larrys Mountain Road, the corridor veers further east with a new bridge crossing of the floodplain and Moruya River about 2 kilometres east of the existing bridge. South of the Moruya River, the preferred strategic corridor crosses over South Head Road and continues south to rejoin the existing highway.

The preferred strategic corridor would provide connections to the local traffic network at the northern end of the corridor near the North Moruya Industrial Estate and southern end near Mountain View Road.

Land Acquisition and Compensation

TfNSW will need to acquire land by agreement or by compulsory process in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 (Just Terms Act) to carry out construction. Property owners affected by the Moruya Bypass project, where there is to be acquisition of some of their land, are entitled to compensation. The amount of compensation is subject to many factors. TfNSW will be contacting property owners and tenants who are directly affected in due course, but it is advisable to have legal advice for Moruya Bypass compensation beforehand to understand the amount of acquisition compensation that you may be entitled to. Rural land acquisitions are complex due to many different uses of the land, and compensation can be significant where it impacts farming or other businesses.

The areas that will be impacted by the Moruya Bypass include:

  • Shelley Road

  • Larrys Mountain Road intersection

  • North Moruya Industrial Estate

  • Mountain View Road

Latest Updates

Public Consultation Completed: Transport for NSW finalised public consultation on the shortlisted bypass corridors in October 2022, receiving over 1300 submissions from the community.

Further Design Work in Progress: Transport for NSW is currently conducting further design work for all three shortlisted corridors (Purple, Orange, Yellow). This aims to better understand the opportunities and challenges each presents.

Anticipated Timeline: The additional design work is expected to take six months. Following this, a robust assessment will be carried out to determine the preferred route based on factors important to the community and the project's goals.


  • No decision has been made yet on the final bypass route.

  • Transport for NSW is conducting further design work on all three shortlisted corridors.

  • A final decision on the route is likely several months away, after the design work is complete.

Why choose FM Legal?

We are a specialist compulsory acquisition team that work tirelessly to fight for the right amount of compensation against the Government.

How can FM Legal help?

If you are affected by affected by a Land Acquisition in Moruya Bypass, attending one of our regularly scheduled seminars or contacting us for a private discussion with our specialist, Flo Mitchell, can provide you with the guidance you need.
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