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Inland Rail - Illabo to Stockinbingal section EIS approved by NSW Government

The Illabo to Stockinbingal section of the Inland Rail project has been approved by the NSW Government. The Illabo to Stockinbingal section is expected to commence construction in 2025 and forms part of the larger Inland Rail project which will see freight able to travel between Melbourne and Brisbane in less than 24 hours.

The 39 km section of track between Illabo and Stockinbingal is new and does not follow an existing track alignment and therefore the land and easements must be compulsory acquired by Inland Rail.

Most properties affected will be compulsory acquired permanently for an easement for the railway line whilst some will be temporarily acquired for construction access and compounds.
FM Legal explains: 'What is an easement?'
The route is north south and is located to the west of Cootamundra. A new bridge will be built over Burley Griffin Way and a further seven bridges will be built together with stock tunnels and associated infrastructure.

Inland Rail is proceeding with compulsory land acquisition for both permanent and temporary easements. FM Legal has already been engaged to protect land owners rights and gain maximum compensation for the compulsory acquisition of an easement on their land and ensure landowners rights are protected.

FM Legal only acts for affected landowners in seeking full compensation, we don’t ever act for Inland Rail or other parts of Government compulsory acquiring land.

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Brookvale, NSW 2100
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